Keloids are the name for these skin tumours that typically develop on some people's backs or heads or any othe place on the body.
In addition to breaking the standards of elegance, these non-cancerous skin diseases can be deadly. People with dark skin tones tend to notice them more. >
Keloids, however, are equally common in both sexes. This disease starts with a tiny button that typically surfaces following a trip to the barbershop when the barber does not clean his tools and assaults specifically the neck or trims your back hair.
Even minor skin irritation can result in the development of a keloid. Keloid formation is not dependent on the severity of the lesion.
They typically develop when specific skin cells called fibroblasts make an excessive quantity of collagen during aberrant wound healing. Although keloids frequently induce itching, they are typically not unpleasant. Although it is extremely rare, keloids can become malignancy. To reduce inflammation and hasten healing, mix one dose of bicarbonate of soda with three doses of hydrogen peroxide in a container. Apply the paste-like mixture three to four times per day directly to the affected area. Apply some lemon juice immediately to the area that is afflicted. After 30 minutes, thoroughly rinse with warm water. Every night, repeat the procedure. Cut it into pieces. The onion pieces should be placed in tissue, and then tied. The onion chunks are then crushed to release the juice. Apply onion juice on your keloids using a cotton ball. (a potent natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory) cures keloids, which are aggressive begin tumours under the nape of the neck (which can spread). Heal'skin lesions of all kinds, including superficial cuts and abscesses. effectively heals skin damage and Buruli ulcers. With all of this, Keloids in your skin can emerge less frequently.FOUR AMAZING HOME REMEDIES FOR KELOIDS.