The respiratory virus known as influenza (flu) is extremely contagious. Find out more about the signs of the flu and the vaccine.
It is strongly advised that everyone get their annual flu vaccine, especially those at high risk of serious flu complications, such as adults 65 and older, small children under 5, and persons with certain chronic diseases. The most effective method of preventing the flu is vaccination, usually known as a "flu shot".
Influenza also referred to as the "flu," is an infectious viral illness that can strike anyone, even healthy individuals. It affects the human respiratory system (nose, throat, and lungs), inflaming the mucous membranes.
The causes are outlined
There are three different types of influenza viruses: influenza types A, B, and C. While norovirus types B and C mostly affect humans, influenza type A is present in numerous species, including pigs, birds, and humans ( Although dogs and pigs5 have been known to be infected with type C). As people sneeze or cough, the infection is spread from person to person through airborne droplets.
Annual flu outbreaks are thought to cause between 3 and 5 million instances of severe disease worldwide.
Children are more likely to contract the flu than adults below 64 years
What is the source of the flu?
Viruses are responsible for the flu. Each year, Type A and Type B influenza viruses produce the majority of flu outbreaks. Type A is frequently harboured in animals such as ducks, chickens, pigs, and whales before being passed on to people, and it is frequently more severe. Type B is only found in humans.
Both virus types are usually transferred through droplets that enter the air when flu patients cough, sneeze, or talk.
A person infected with the flu can spread it to someone up to six feet away.
Symptoms of the Flu
- Fever
- Chills
- Headache
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Muscle/joint aches
- Fatigue
- Vomiting/diarrhoea (sometimes)
SYMPTOMS: These symptoms could indicate a serious complication. Seek medical care as soon as possible if any of these symptoms occur:
- Fever over 102°F (39°C) that does not come down below 100°F (38°C) with fever-reducing medicine
- Severe headache
- Stiff neck - unable to touch your chin to your chest
- Sudden dizziness
- Confusion
- Rash
- Severe cough not helped by cough medicine
- Shortness of breath
- Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
- Vomiting that prevents keeping down Gatorade, 7-Up, and sweetened tea
- Flu-like symptoms that improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Four Superb Remedies To Cure Influenza.
1. Ginger.
A fever and chills can occasionally be accompanied by an unsettled stomach, nausea, and vomiting. Ginger, is an anti-inflammatory plant that has been shown to reduce uncomfortable feelings and calm your stomach.
Drink some ginger ale or make some ginger tea. Picking up some ginger chews, which are available in most supermarket stores, is an additional choice.
2. Menthol, salve or rub.
For the production of menthol rub or salve, menthol, which comes from the peppermint plant, is sometimes blended with eucalyptus and camphor, a powder from a species of the laurel tree. Open up your airways and reduce coughing by applying a menthol salve to your chest. The pain-relieving properties of menthol, eucalyptus, and camphor can also be used to soothe sore skin beneath the nose.
3. Warm salt water gargle.
Drinking lots of fluids is the greatest way to stave off the flu, but a sore throat can make that difficult. A warm saltwater gargle can assist, though, as the warm liquid is calming and the salt in the water can help destroy throat bacteria.
4. Honey
Honey can be highly effective in easing a sore throat or putting an end to a cough. Additionally, this herbal treatment is antimicrobial. To mix many DIY cures, add honey to hot tea.
(Can only use for people above a year old )
Drink a lot of water, tea, or sports drinks in addition to these home treatments because these beverages have electrolytes that aid in hydration. You should start feeling better in about a week if you get enough rest, drink a lot of fluids, and use some of these home treatments.
To summarise.
Flu symptoms often appear 1 to 3 days after contracting the infection. In a week, the majority of people will feel better. You might, however, continue to feel extremely exhausted and have a persistent cough for a few more weeks.