A heart attack is an urgent medical situation. If you suspect a heart attack is happening to you or someone else, dial 911 or the local emergency number.
The ordinary person waits three hours before getting care for heart attack symptoms. Before they can get to a hospital, many heart attack victims pass away. The greater the likelihood of survival, the quicker the patient arrives at the emergency room. The extent of heart damage is reduced by prompt medical attention.
In this article contains what we do daily that results in heart attack and also the common signs your heart is telling you he's not healthy.
Habits that Triggers Heart Attack.
1. Getting less sleep
If you don't get the recommended seven (or eight or nine) hours of sleep per night, it will gradually but unavoidably harm your health, especially your heart.
You are warned that "poor-quality sleep or untreated sleep apnea can lead to excessive blood pressure and damage heart health." Also linked to diabetes and weight gain, which both have a harmful impact on heart health, is sleep deprivation.
In addition, sleep apnea can also "create irregular cardiac rhythms."
2. Excess intake of salt and spices.
We are always drawn to good food. Our sense of taste is stimulated by a pinch of salt and other spices. Yet too much of anything is harmful. The sources of concealed sodium, such as package soups, chips, frozen dinners, and lunch meat, are also unknown to us. Over time, consuming too much sodium can raise blood pressure. The blood vessels may harden and narrow as a result. The heart now works harder to pump blood throughout the body, raising blood pressure even higher. The heart may experience extreme stress as a result. Uncontrolled hypertension may cause arterial wall damage. These weakened walls may increase fat buildup, which could result in a heart attack or stroke.
4. Ignorant on your mental health.
Maintaining excellent health requires learning how to manage your stress. As anxiety grows out of hand, we're more prone to act in hurtful ways. Stress also causes your blood pressure to rise. Find a hobby or activity you enjoy to help you relax and breathe more easily to combat this. Some folks find it in meditation. Some people like trekking, cooking, or gathering with friends to play board games.
Can panic attacks or anxiety harm your heart? Not typically. But, being brokenhearted rarely actually hurts your heart. According to Johnson, the ailment is referred to as shattered heart syndrome and is "a kind of cardiac failure." If you are under extreme stress, such as after a vehicle accident or the death of a loved one,
5. Smoking
We are all aware that smoking can cause lung cancer as well as a number of breathing problems. However, only a small portion of us are aware that smoking raises the risk of several cardiac ailments.
Smoking can make it more difficult for our hearts to move blood throughout the body by tightening major arteries, raising heart rate, and causing irregular heart rhythm.
Smoking can cause the buildup of fatty plaque in arteries due to the presence of nicotine and other substances (tar, carbon monoxide) (a condition called atherosclerosis). These substances may have an impact on cholesterol and fibrinogen levels, which raises the danger of blood clots developing, which may result in heart attack or stroke.
Four(4) Major Sigs You will notice before heart.
The very first symptom of a heart attack listed by the American Heart Association is "uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center of your chest." This discomfort may come in waves lasting more than a few minutes at a time.
Heart attack pain can occur in places other than the chest, like the back, shoulders, arms, neck or jaw. According to Cleveland Clinic, when there's a problem in the heart, such as a blocked artery, it can trigger the nerves in your heart to give a signal that something is wrong, and you'll feel pain. Considering the vagus nerve is connected to not only the heart, but also the brain, chest, abdomen, and neck, you may feel those pain signals in other areas of the body aside from the heart region.
Many things can make you dizzy: not drinking enough water, skipping lunch, or standing up too fast. But dizziness or lightheadedness coupled with chest pain and shortness of breath may signify a decrease in blood volume and a drop in blood pressure, which means a heart attack could be on it's way.
Feeling worn out after a sleepless night or a stressful day is normal. But women can feel fatigued a month out before having a heart attack, Harvard Health Publishing reports. According to the National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, this sign is especially prominent in women.